The aptly named Double Dream originates from the cross between Blue Dream and Dream Star (itself a Blue Dream and Stardawg cross). This sativa-dominant hybrid "doubles down" and provides a unique spin on the famed Blue Dream. Double Dream has a wide, branching structure and carries strong disease resistance traits.
It is a moderate to high yielder with a thick, dense flower structure of vibrant light green with orange pistils. Elevated terpenes Farnesene, Myrcene, Caryophyllene and Pinene give this cultivar a unique profile, with that classic Blue Dream aroma. Double Dream is typically ready to harvest after 8-9 weeks of flowering, producing 21% THC and above.
Segra ID
Height Profile
Time in flower
56-60 Days
The aptly named Double Dream originates from the cross between Blue Dream and Dream Star (itself a Blue Dream and Stardawg cross). This sativa-dominant hybrid "doubles down" and provides a unique spin on the famed Blue Dream. Double Dream has a wide, branching structure and carries strong disease resistance traits.
It is a moderate to high yielder with a thick, dense flower structure of vibrant light green with orange pistils. Elevated terpenes Farnesene, Myrcene, Caryophyllene and Pinene give this cultivar a unique profile, with that classic Blue Dream aroma. Double Dream is typically ready to harvest after 8-9 weeks of flowering, producing 21% THC and above.
Total Cannabinoids
Relative Cannabinoid Content
Total TERPENes
Relative TERPENE Content