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May 27, 2024

Best Nursery 2024 Winners!!!

At Segra International, we've celebrated a year filled with remarkable achievements and significant progress in the cannabis industry, and we haven’t hit the halfway mark yet! Our recent win at the GrowUp Awards & Conference in Toronto ON. May 27, 2024, where we proudly secured the Best Nursery award for the third consecutive year, underscores our unwavering dedication to excellence and innovation.

Our journey of success began with the release of our highly anticipated 2024 cultivar catalogue, showcasing cutting-edge advancements in plant tissue culture, genomics, and pathogen detection services. This catalogue stands as a testament to our commitment to pushing the boundaries of scientific discovery in cannabis cultivation.

We were deeply honoured to be recognized as a Top 50 Cannabis Leader, solidifying our position as a key influencer in shaping the industry's direction. In March, we expanded into our second facility dedicated to research and development, further emphasizing our commitment to continuous innovation and scientific excellence in cannabis cultivation.

Throughout the year, our expertise and contributions have been prominently featured in industry magazines in both Canada and Europe, reinforcing our status as a global thought leader. The GrowUp Awards & Conference holds immense significance for us, serving as a vital indicator of excellence within the cannabis industry.

This win for Best Nursery reaffirms our dedication to integrity and customer-centric values, validating our position as trailblazers. This victory speaks volumes about our commitment to plant science and genetic performance, ensuring the highest standards of quality and clean starting material for our customers.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our supporters and industry peers, recognizing that our success is built upon meaningful partnerships and transparent communication. As we look towards the future, we remain focused on innovation and growth, poised to revolutionize the market once again with continual advancements in tissue culture science, genetic selection and partnerships and laboratory testing.

In conclusion, Segra International's three-peat victory at the GrowUp Awards & Conference is not just a recognition of our past achievements but a testament to our ongoing commitment to excellence and innovation in the cannabis industry, promising a brighter future for cannabis cultivation.