Created by the prolific breeders at Rare Dankness, Venom OG is a balanced hybrid created by crossing Poison OG with their propriety male, Rare Dankness #1 - a staple of their breeding program descendant from Ghost OG, Chemdog and Triangle Kush.

From this solid genetic background comes Venom OG, a vigorous plant with impressive growth and considerable stretch in the first weeks of flower. This cultivar is reported to have disease resistance traits and has medium to large internodal spacing allowing for good airflow and light penetration deep into the canopy.

Venom OG is a moderate yielder of compact flowers, typically ready to harvest between 8 and 9 weeks of flowering growth. The flower has a pungent, sour aroma with hints of diesel, wood, and citrus. Elevated terpenes include Myrcene, Caryophyllene and Pinene. Total THC ranges from 20% upwards.

Venom OG

Reported Lineage

Poison OG X Rare Dankness #1 (Triangle Kush X (Ghost OG X (Ghost OG X Chemdog))


Rare Dankness

Selected By


Segra ID


Height Profile


Time in flower

56-63 Days


Discovery ProgramFull provisionMother stock
Venom OG
Venom OG

Created by the prolific breeders at Rare Dankness, Venom OG is a balanced hybrid created by crossing Poison OG with their propriety male, Rare Dankness #1 - a staple of their breeding program descendant from Ghost OG, Chemdog and Triangle Kush.

From this solid genetic background comes Venom OG, a vigorous plant with impressive growth and considerable stretch in the first weeks of flower. This cultivar is reported to have disease resistance traits and has medium to large internodal spacing allowing for good airflow and light penetration deep into the canopy.

Venom OG is a moderate yielder of compact flowers, typically ready to harvest between 8 and 9 weeks of flowering growth. The flower has a pungent, sour aroma with hints of diesel, wood, and citrus. Elevated terpenes include Myrcene, Caryophyllene and Pinene. Total THC ranges from 20% upwards.

Total Cannabinoids

total cannabinoid percent

Relative Cannabinoid Content

relative cannabinoid chart

Total TERPENes

total terpenoids percent

Relative TERPENE Content

relative terpene chart